During receiving and accepting ordered items, please sign invoice or other bill of parcel. You must check arrived packaging and items condition during presence of courier. If You notice consignment and/or product external visual appearance of violations (crumpled, wet or otherwise externally damaged packaging) or inadequacy of package (packages), please note that in invoice or bill of parcel. And during presence of representative of Courier company write free-form paper, stating all violations and shortages of package (packages). Without these mentioned actions www.e-scent.lt is free from liability against You for delivering damaged items if cause for it was damaged packaging. Receiving the goods by You and signing invoice or other bill of parcel without any comments, it is considered that the consignment was delivered in orderly status.

For any further questions, please contact the online shop www.e-scent.lt consultants. Email for contacts: eshop@lietuvoskvapas.lt.